The Dark Tower Wiki

The Fall of Gilead >>>

Fall of Gilead chapter1

The Fall of Gilead #1 Comic Cover

The spirit of the recently killed Gabrielle Deschain looks over her son Roland forgiving him for his action. Roland awakes and begins to cry whilst Cuthbert Allgood, Alain Johns and Aileen Ritter lock away the body of Kingson in the morgue.

Steven Deschain and others receive a note intended for Kingson, the city is sealed to all and Cort and Abel Vannay go to search Kingsons' room. Steven find The Grapefruit taken from his safe and realizes it was his wife that took it, entering her room he finds Roland looking over her dead body and asks who killed her.

Cort finds the Poisoned Book under a floorboard and begins to read it, Vannay is too late to save him.


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